The North American Ministerial Council (NAMC) is the organization of the ministers of the Church of God (Seventh Day). A part of the assignment given to the Council is to establish standards and qualifications for the ministry of the Conference, and to issue and regulate ministerial documents. Learn more about the NAMC here.

The NAMC issues the following documents:

The Local Pastor Certificate (LPC) is a temporary document, in that it expires every two years, issued to qualified laymen authorizing the bearer to provide ministerial leadership while completing the educational requirements that would qualify him to obtain a Ministerial License, as an entry level to the church’s professional ministry. A Local Pastor is considered a Provisional Member of the Council and may deliberate, but not vote, hold appointive or elective positions, nor count toward a quorum of the Council.

Academic requirements:

Local Pastor Orientation

Local Pastor Core (14 credits):
LEA 111 Essentials of Vibrant Leadership (4)
COM 121 Written Communication for Leadership (2)*
LEA 321 Leadership in the Church of God (Seventh Day) (4)
THE 202 Church of God (Seventh Day) Doctrine (4)

Electives (16 credits):
Any four non-practicum courses from the catalog.

The Local Pastor Orientation is a subset of the Pastoral Ministry Concentration and is designed to equip the student with foundational competencies that will enable them to provide pastoral leadership—as an entry level to the church’s professional ministry through a Local Pastor Certificate—while completing the educational requirements for Ministerial License. Students may request the Local Pastor Orientation course schedule during their Christian Leadership program application or via the “Ask Your Advisor” button on the home page of myArtios. Local Pastor Orientation courses will be prioritized at the beginning of the Christian Leadership program course schedule.

Click here for the complete list of requirements for Local Pastor Certification.

A member of the Conference who aspires to serve the Church with full ministerial privileges should seek a Ministerial License. A license is considered to be appropriate for men who wish to enter a bi-vocational or full-time ministry of the Conference. A licensee may participate in the Council as an associate member. He is eligible to provide pastoral and/or evangelistic services to any church which calls on him to do so.

Academic requirements:

Associate of Christian Leadership (Pastoral Ministry) or its equivalent

Click here for the complete list of requirements for Ministerial License.

Ministerial Credentials represent the highest form of recognition and endorsement the Conference may bestow upon a minister of the gospel. This document is reserved for those who have fulfilled the full course of study.

Academic requirements:

Bachelor of Arts in Christian Leadership or Bachelor’s degree in an appropriate field (e.g. Theology, Bible, Ministry)

Click here for the complete list of requirements for Ministerial Credentials

A minister from another denomination or a minister of a member church of the Church of God (Seventh Day) International Federation (formerly International Ministerial Congress) may transfer his ministerial documentation to the North American Ministerial Council.

Academic requirements:

Transfer Orientation Program

LEA 321 Leadership in the Church of God (Seventh Day) (4)
THE 202 Church of God (Seventh Day) Doctrine (4)

Click here for the complete list of requirements for Transfer of Ministerial Documentation.

How Artios partners with the NAMC

As a ministry of the General Conference of the Church of God (Seventh Day), Artios Christian College is privileged to serve the GC’s members, including its potential and current North American Ministerial Council members, through:

  • providing CoG7-specific academic requirements for NAMC documentation*.
  • assisting the NAMC’s License and Credentials’ Committee with academic eligibility certification & Local Pastor continuing education tracking*.
  • academic advising for potential applicants receiving education outside of Artios.
  • resources for leadership support, which can potentially count towards NAMC members’ continuing education requirements (see “NAMC continuing Education, below, for more information).

*Note: Academic requirements are only one part of the requirements for NAMC documentation. Therefore, Artios graduates are not automatically sent an application for NAMC documentation, and Artios program completion does not guarantee NAMC documentation. We encourage students who aspire to NAMC documentation to familiarize themselves with all the NAMC requirements and application process at

Applying to the NAMC

The NAMC issues and regulates ministerial documents through a License and Credentials Committee (L&CC).  The committee meets once per year to review applications. Click here for more information and to request an application.

Note: Artios does not send applications or issue documents, and Artios program completion does not guarantee NAMC documentation. See note above.

NAMC Continuing Education

Licensed or Credentialed ministers are required to complete 75 hours of continuing education each five-year renewal period. Artios classes, webinars, and involvement in the preparation of Artios materials may qualify for continuing education credit. For more information or to request a copy of the renewal form, contact the NAMC’s Custodian of Records.