An Artios satellite campus provides the opportunity for individuals to take in-person courses on material similar to that which is offered from Artios Christian College. Satellite campus instructors are approved by Artios Christian College. Satellite campus courses may be taken for dual credit with the Artios Center for Vibrant Leadership and/or may apply for credit through Artios Christian College.

Center Dual Credit

Students who complete a program through a satellite campus will automatically receive recognition from both the satellite campus and the Artios Center for Vibrant Leadership in the form of a graduation certificate and may participate in a formal graduation ceremony, held at the satellite campus.

Artios Credit

Additionally, students may opt to earn Artios Christian College credit for any of the courses taken through their satellite campus. Students who wish to earn Artios credit must have completed reading and written assignments as outlined in the syllabus for the equivalent Artios course, and earned a passing grade.

Apply for Artios credit here.

Artios Satellite Campuses

Escuela de Liderazgo Cristiano, Pharr TX (Spanish only)
Click here for more information
Click here for information on how to apply for Artios credit for ELC courses